Day 12

21 Day Focus

In His final act of ministry as He died on the cross, Jesus brought Good News to a convicted criminal. Today in this country, 1.7 million people are imprisoned. Many more are incarcerated in jails, re-education centers, and other forms of unofficial detention. It is estimated that as many as 1 million members of a Muslim minority people groups in the western part of the country have been detained in re-education centers.

In recent years, the criminal system of “re-education through labor” in which prisoners work in state-owned factories and farms under difficult and secretive conditions while undergoing political indoctrination. Reasons for incarceration include criminal violations, drug use, and political offenses - a category that includes detentions of people of faith. Pray for:

1) Miraculous access to the Gospel in the prisons.

2) Those who have been bound in sin to find redemption and hope in Christ.

3) Families and especially children affected by incarceration.

4) Those who work in prisons and make decisions over the justice system.

5) Believers facing heightened harassment and persecution.

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” - Apostle Paul (Heb 13:3)

Please join us fasting a meal or more this day.